Final Learning Glossary

Definition: Innovation 

 Innovation is a multifaceted, systemic process of developing new or improved ideas (ie. services, products) to solve problems and address complex challenges efficiently. Innovation can range from small to big change and progressive or gradual. It often relies on creativity, research, risk, commitment and a vision for change to improve economic development, society or culture. 

 In my newly revised definition of innovation, I noted that it can be progressive or gradual. After careful consideration and reflection among my peers’ posts, I have come to the conclusion that innovation can occur in many different forms; whether that be incrementally or progressively, they all work together to create change in a systemic process. Additionally, I also added the word, ‘commitment’. I believe that innovation requires a strong commitment to create change as it does not happen overnight. Lastly, I decided to remove ‘formulating’ from my working definition as it focuses more on ‘developing’ rather than ‘formulating’ an idea. 

Definition: Creativity

Creativity refers to the ability to generate authentic, original, innovative and creative ideas. Through expression, creativity exhibits a fresh perspective and is believed to let the imagination loose and free. This skillful way of thinking allows you to divert from conventional thinking norms and transpire unique and novel ideas. 

In my newly revised definition of creativity, I included the words ‘creative’, ‘innovative’ and ‘skillful’. Though not making too many changes in my working definition, I believe adding these two words has elevated my definition to the next level. These words help readers understand that creativity is a critical skill directly affecting innovation that goes hand-in-hand. 

Definition: Teaching 

Through effective communication, teaching is the sharing of knowledge, information, or skills from teacher to learners. It provides guidance and direction for learners to develop and apply what they have learned in meaningful ways. Teaching occurs incrementally, requiring a plan, strategies, and feedback for efficient instruction. 

 In my newly revised definition of teaching, I extended it by adding, “teaching occurs incrementally, requiring a plan, strategies, and feedback for efficient instruction”. This addition discusses the importance of teaching as an incremental process that requires teaching strategies and ongoing feedback in order to convey lessons efficiently and effectively. 

Definition: Learning 

Learning is the gaining of new information, understanding material, problem solving, and applying knowledge into real-life situations to create change. It is a part of human development and improves an individual’s performance. Learning contributes to personal and social development while “relating ideas and making connections between prior and new knowledge” (2023). 

 Upon completion of all the course literature, I drastically reduced my learning definition as it was not clear on what I was trying to convey. It repeated ideas and was not cohesive. In my revised definition, I focused on the incremental steps of learning and the connection between past and new knowledge.


Queens University. (2023). What is Learning? . How Students Learn: What is Learning? 


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