Blog Reflection

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this blog assignment. It was an enlightening experience that allowed me to delve deeper into the course material and channel in my critical thinking skills. My blog demonstrated careful consideration of existing knowledge in my “Indigenous Perspectives” and “Women in Education” posts. In my undergrad, I studied Sociology and Law in which I took several courses exploring Indigenous history and education, and the breakthrough of women in education. These courses helped create a reflective foundation of knowledge that acted as a tool when reading and writing about these topics in the course. Taking a look at my posts, my biggest knowledge takeaway was my personal learning network. I was so impressed with the deep learning I experienced when making this post. Though it seems like such a small deal to know that I use technology and social media, I never reflected on how connected all these networks were to my life. They connected me to the world, my learning, my family/friends, and self growth. It was extremely fascinating and I am very appreciative to have been given the opportunity to explore that.

My posts are connected to class content by weaving in innovation, creativity, learning and teaching to some degree in each post. My “Philosophical Foundations of Teaching and Learning” post on Werner’s reading impacted me the most. As an educator, I heavily related my personal experiences to the article. He explores how educators need to adapt their teaching practices in order to allow students to feel their emotions in positive and healthy ways. This reading stuck by me as I continued to teach my class. I teach at an all-boys Catholic school.  Thus, this article was very important for me to reflect on my teaching practices in order to create a dynamic of ‘hope’ when discussing worldly topics to boys who weren’t taught a lot about coping with their emotions in healthy ways. 

I believe my blog has shown a great amount of personal growth. The way I feel, think and reflect on my life and career has shown exponentially these past 10 weeks; and for that, I am very grateful. I have shown vulnerability, received feedback from peers that enlightened my thoughts, and developed a sense of growth for my career in education. I take away many inspiring posts made by myself and my peers that will be integrated into my everyday teaching practice. 


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